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Pregnancy Massage

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Pregnancy is a magical time, full of transformation, as we plunge headlong into a new journey as moms. Sometimes, though, accompanying aches and pains can make it feel, well… a little less than magical. Whether you’re experiencing back and joint pain, acid reflux, or would just like a moment to relax and walk away feeling more “normal,” come in for a specialized pregnancy massage. Each woman and each pregnancy are unique, and things can shift dramatically from one week to the next. Rest assured, your session will be custom tailored to your body and pregnancy at that time. Your session may integrate many of the modalities described under Integrative Massage, Maya Abdominal Therapy, and Herbal & Nutritional Consults, if they would be beneficial for you; in every case, only modalities and modifications generally recognized as safe during pregnancy will be used.

When should I begin pregnancy massage?
As always, it depends on you! The type of massage offered will vary, depending on you, your general health, how many weeks pregnant, and any complaints. Your history may contraindicate some types of massage. When you contact me to schedule an appointment, we will discuss in more detail the type of work which may be indicated for you and the optimal time for your first visit.

51249921 - pregnant young latina woman with beautiful skin, being wrapped with a towel, lying on a bed and having a relaxing prenatal massage, various techniques, glamour clarity effect

Is pregnancy massage helpful in the last trimester?
Absolutely! In fact, a few moms who have never received massage before do so in their last few weeks of pregnancy. In addition to helping the body better adapt to the ever-changing center of gravity, pressure on organs, and generally improving comfort levels, massage in the last couple of weeks can help to prepare your body for birth as it alleviates stress. Additionally, I’ll teach you, and your partner, if you choose, self-care techniques you can use to help aid discomfort during labor and to help your body maintain more effective contractions.

What post-partum services do you offer?
If you have been visiting me for treatment during your pregnancy, we will have discussed different things you can do to allow for an easier transition following the birth, including tips for addressing after pains. Clients can arrange for a home visit in the first few weeks following the birth. We can arrange a visit for you (and your partner) to learn infant massage. When appropriate, we can begin Maya Abdominal Therapy to further assist the body’s recovery, whether following vaginal birth or cesarean section.

Additionally, I will continue to offer support through nutritional and herbal recommendations based on your particular needs or concerns at the time; these might include stress management, improving breast milk production (as well as reducing milk production during weaning), infant colic, indigestion, constipation/diarrhea, and headaches.

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